May 30, 2007

Is it time to come back?

It's becoming common to start my posts here with "it's been a while since I last wrote"... The thing is, I don't really know the purpose of this blog anymore. I used to thrill with the idea of leaving news here, previews of things to come, and a few comments and impressions of mine after reading that month's bag of comics. Whenever a new creator team arrived to one of my favorite titles, I'd write it here. Special events, stories that made an impression of my favourite characters, would deserve some attention at this place. So why did I stop writing?

The last few months have been nothing short of stuff to talk about. Come on, they killed Captain America and where was my comment or eulogy? DC Comics tricked lots of readers to buy and read 52, a weekly title that was supposed to fill the gap between Infinite Crisis and One Year Later (which it didn't) and you didn't read a bitter word about it from me. Except now, I guess...

For Christ sakes, there was a Civil War in the Marvel Universe! A Civil War! Hero vs Hero, Friend vs Friend! What, was I sleeping during that? Of course not, I followed it more or less passionately. But somehow, it didn't make me want to write about it. I don't know why.

Maybe the thing is, what I really love to do is to read comics. I'm more of a reader than a writer, I guess. You need to be creative to write, and I feel like several years ago my creativity falled down in the North Atlantic ocean, where it remains in suspended animation waiting for a team of greatest heroes to wake it up.

1 comment:

Escalla said...

Well i know how you feel, i don't write much in my own blog, but i do like to share some stuff i see or do...
I've been trying to make media focused posts and do a mixed media blog in

Often we're perfectionists who want to do long, content filled posts, when in fact a blog works better with short regular posts than long irregular ones.
Why not do a "favourite images" thing, or a topic list of what you didn't like in a specific series.
Maybe do a issues of the week, or spotlight on a particular character once in a while...
Just some ideas... :)