It's been a while...
If you've been here before, you'll notice that the blog is different. New colors, new language... Many of you must be wondering why am I writing in english now, instead of portuguese. Why the new colors? Well, I believe that sometimes a little change is what you need to keep things interesting.
Let's face it: even if I was very busy at work the last year, and these past months, the main reason I didn't write for so long is because I kind of lost interest in doing it. If I didn't, I would have found a few minutes to write about all the things that happened and still are happening in comics, like Marvel's Civil War, DC's 52, new creator teams, and so on.
So, to renew the flame, I needed to do something different. Hence, the changes in this blog.
Visually, I'm trying a new color set with the same template, to make it more "Comics-like". Or newspaper-like. I wish I had the will to create a brand new template, more similar to a newspaper, but I don't. So I'll play with the tools I have.
And then there's the language. "You're in Portugal. You should be writing in portuguese". To hell with that. This blog knows no boundaries. It's set on the internet, and english is the most common language in the World Wide Web. Also, mostly I'm talking about stuff I read in american comic books. It's only natural to use the same language they're written in. And last, but definitely not least, I'll be able to get my word to my foreign friends around the world, foreign non-portuguese speakers that couldn't understand a word I'd write if their life depended on it.
But fear not, portuguese lovers. Along with this blog, I'll be writing myself silly and in portuguese in other sites, like BDesenhada.com, where I'll be posting a few articles as well.
Anyway, all this to say that I'm back.
I hope you enjoy my ramblings, cause I'll try to enjoy myself while writing them.
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